صور: بريطانية تصبح أصغر أنثى تقود طائرة تجارية في العالم

تم نشره الثلاثاء 27 أيلول / سبتمبر 2016 09:05 صباحاً
صور: بريطانية تصبح أصغر أنثى تقود طائرة تجارية في العالم

المدينة نيوز:- أصبحت امرأة بريطانية تبلغ من العمر 26 عامًا، أصغر أنثى تقود طائرة تجارية في العالم، بعد انضمامها لشركة “ايزي جت” للطيران، أخيرًا، وقيادتها طائرات “ايرباص” لنحو 100 جهة حول العالم.
وقالت صحيفة “مترو” البريطانية، إن “كيت ماكويليامز بدأت بالتدرب على الطيران وهي في عمر 13 عامًا، ثم تلقت برنامجًا تدريبيًا مكثفًا في شركة تدريب مختصة بالطيران التجاري وهي في عمر 19 عامًا”.
وأضافت أن “كيت التحقت بشركة خطوط ايزي جت بعد ذلك، وأصبحت كابتن طائرة في فترة قصيرة بعد اجتيازها فحص القيادة في تلك الشركة”.
ونسبت الصحيفة إلى متحدث باسم الشركة، قوله، إنه “تم إجراء دراسة ثبت بعدها أن كيت هي حاليًا أصغر امرأة تقود طائرة تجارية في العالم”.
وقالت كيت: “الكثير من أفراد طاقم الطائرات والمسافرين يتعجبون ويسألونني عن سني تقريبًا بشكل شبه يومي، وهم يستغربون كثيرًا عندما اطلعهم على سني”.
وحسب الصحيفة فإن كيت تقود حاليًا طائرات ايرباص أ319 وأ320، وتغطي حوالي 100 مدينة حول العالم، منها مراكش في المغرب وريكجافيك عاصمة أيسلندا.



Embargoed to 0001 Monday September 26 Undated handout photo issued by easyJet of Kate McWilliams (left) and Luke Elsworth, as the British woman is believed to have become the world's youngest ever commercial airline captain at just 26 years old, easyJet said. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday September 26, 2016. McWilliams, originally from Carlisle, told the Press Association she gets quizzed about her age by cabin crew and passengers almost every day and most are "pleasantly surprised and impressed" when she tells them her age. See PA story AIR Captain. Photo credit should read: easyJet/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

Embargoed to 0001 Monday September 26 Undated handout photo issued by easyJet of Kate McWilliams, a British woman who is believed to have become the world's youngest ever commercial airline captain at just 26 years old, easyJet said. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday September 26, 2016. McWilliams, originally from Carlisle, told the Press Association she gets quizzed about her age by cabin crew and passengers almost every day and most are "pleasantly surprised and impressed" when she tells them her age. See PA story AIR Captain. Photo credit should read: easyJet/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

Embargoed to 0001 Monday September 26 Undated handout photo issued by easyJet of Kate McWilliams (right) and Luke Elsworth, as the British woman is believed to have become the world's youngest ever commercial airline captain at just 26 years old, easyJet said. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday September 26, 2016. McWilliams, originally from Carlisle, told the Press Association she gets quizzed about her age by cabin crew and passengers almost every day and most are "pleasantly surprised and impressed" when she tells them her age. See PA story AIR Captain. Photo credit should read: easyJet/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

Embargoed to 0001 Monday September 26 Undated handout photo issued by easyJet of Kate McWilliams, a British woman who is believed to have become the world's youngest ever commercial airline captain at just 26 years old, easyJet said. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday September 26, 2016. McWilliams, originally from Carlisle, told the Press Association she gets quizzed about her age by cabin crew and passengers almost every day and most are "pleasantly surprised and impressed" when she tells them her age. See PA story AIR Captain. Photo credit should read: easyJet/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

Embargoed to 0001 Monday September 26 Undated handout photo issued by easyJet of Kate McWilliams (left) and Luke Elsworth, as the British woman is believed to have become the world's youngest ever commercial airline captain at just 26 years old, easyJet said. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday September 26, 2016. McWilliams, originally from Carlisle, told the Press Association she gets quizzed about her age by cabin crew and passengers almost every day and most are "pleasantly surprised and impressed" when she tells them her age. See PA story AIR Captain. Photo credit should read: easyJet/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

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